I was talking to you in the shower this morning all about confusion and direction. And so I decided to try and tell you what I was saying. Know now, there will be no showing, just telling.
First, I will say that my feeling this way is not new. "What way is that" you ask? I don't know that I can describe it except to say I feel my passion changing. All is well in my life and home and family. At times I need change. And that is what I have been thinking about. Change. New ways. New things. Revisiting old passions. New directions.
This is very hard as now I can't remember all the random things that were spewing forth just like the shower head that I lingered under. I suppose I don't have to tell you that this has been simmering for a while now. Here are some of the changes that I share with you.
The first that comes to mind is the fact that I am compelled to blog less. By that I mean, I have slowed with posting as well as reading other blogs. I think we all need a break some times. But the fact is I feel lazy about it. Not as much ART to show and too lazy to post about anything else.
I see a little change in my ART. But that is not unusual. I don't think. If we grow with our ART, then one's ART is an evolution. It's just that I am not satisfying myself. Even though, I'm always happy with my latest painting and know it has merit, I'm left with the strangest question of "what's the purpose?". And that is when, why and where I seem to bog down.
The table shot from my last post is just exactly where every thing still sits in my studio, except a little something I did this morning which I will tell about later. Someone ask if I always worked with multiples and the answer is no. Never. But I was trying a new direction. I was excited to build these little house and wanted to do six at one time. And then offer them to you. I got them to this place and stopped. There in front of me was a hurdle to high to jump. But I will. Soon.
I miss reading books, an old passion. So I went to the library on my way home Friday and checked out
Angels and Demons. It
consumed me just as I remember all of my passions do. I finished it Sunday afternoon. A fabulous read.
Now this is really personal. I was in dire need of new undergarments. I bet many of you are too. So, last week I found myself in Victoria's Secret. Definitely a new direction in the bra department for me.
"What size?" she said.
"I don't know."
"Would you like a fitting?" she ask.
"Sure." and then she measured. And then I told her there was no way! I would not, could not buy that size. But I did. Change.
I have changed my office hours. I am now on the job at 9am rather than 8am. Mornings are my best time. I feel so energetic and accomplish so much in that one hour. Just doing little house chores that have patiently waited for me. You know, things like picking up that yellow headed
straight pin that has been on the window seal by my chair for ages and taking it to its cushion home. Or spot cleaning that little accident on the carpet. Or reading the Sunday paper. Or filling the bird baths. Or folding
underwear. Or polishing a silver tray. Or playing in an ART journal.
That's what I did this morning. I dared to start a journal page that I fully intend to mostly write on. And here is a challenge from me to you. I will tell you exactly what I did and then you can do it too. This particular journal is a book; so, first I put some color all over the page. There was a big butterfly that I had stamped onto the inside of a used security envelope using several acrylic colors. It was cut out and waiting. I picked it up and glued it right in the very middle of the page spread. I heard a
whisper about symmetry. And listened. I placed it a little closer to the top so it was not actually in the very middle. I started wondering what's next and
happened across some black and white prints of some of the original sister angels. I had mirror images of several of them. I heard the symmetry
whisper again. "Oh, I get it, she is challenging me to make a page that is
symmetrical." So, I took mirror images of one face and cut the face down the middle of the nose and mouth. The same face. I wanted to use both left sides and place them along the right and left edge of my journal page. Now what? Maybe it is a house in the making. I found some of my collage papers from the last project and found a spot that I could cut mirror images of. I cut a 2 blocks and 2 triangles. Now, each side my my journal spread has a house built of a block, a face, and a triangle roof. It is all very
symmetrical except the butterfly is a little toward the top. I brought it to work for maybe some art-at-desk today. Mostly writing and doodling on the spread about from my house to your house. Ha, then it won't be
Oh my goodness! This is the weirdest thing and happens to me often. It is when I know I'm in the flow of things when after I have done something I realize the why of it. Have you read
Angels and Demons? I have wondered in what direction that book would send me. If you have read the book then you know what symmetry has to do with it. I cannot believe that not until I typed the above sentence about the
writing on the page and thinking how that would break the symmetry did I realize the connection.
With that I leave you.
New directions,