I didn't tell and wasn't going to. You see last Saturday when I was chasing butterflies.....
well I had a little accident. It was a very small dead branch that I pulled down from a big oak tree. That is our method of pruning. So anyway, it crashed right smack dab down on my crocked nose. Turns out a septal hematoma is serious and I had surgery on my crocked nose Thursday. This is post op about 2 hours but let me tell you, I don't look like this today and I'm not showing that either. And guess what else? He fixed my crocked nose.
Expect me back but not bouncing,
I am so sorry about your accident.
ReplyDeleteWhen you post, it really makes my
day. I know that you don't know all of us, but we know you and love your art. Yesterday, I was chasing a lovely butterfly all over the yard. Finally got a picture, but he or she just wouldn't cooperate. Sure am glad
I didn't pull a branch down. ha.
Hope you're back soon, Mary Ann
OH MY ! Well, girl, ya got to stop pruning trees! I am so sorry that you had to go through all that...but I guess getting a nose job out of it was okay! ha! Hope you get t ofeeling a lot better very soon!
ReplyDeleteThe bright side: maybe you will paint girls with crooked noses to match their crooked grins :+)
ReplyDeleteI wish you a speedy recovery...Lisa
Awwwww...so sorry!! I'm sure your all bruised up, but this too shall pass!! Glad you got your nose fixed and I hope you don't start snoring...it happened to my darling hubby when he had nose surgery - never even a wisp out of him, now he can raise the dead - it's awful!!!!
ReplyDeleteHope you're better soon, love your blog and love your art...thanks for sharing.
Sharon, so sorry to hear about your accident! I wish you a speedy recovery!
ReplyDeleteSharon, I have 'missed' you the last few days and wondered how you were doing. I'm sorry to hear of the mis-hap- I'm sending you healing thoughts and . . . I will expect to see you soon I hope.
ReplyDeleteI don't know that I've ever commented before, but I read your blog regularly-I always look forward to it! Hope you get better soon!
ReplyDeletetake care
I hope by now you are feeling better. I look forward to seeing your new nose sometime in the near future. take care of yourself.
Feel better!
ReplyDeletegirrrrl, if you needed some attention you coulda just asked!seriously though, i'm so glad you got all of that taken care of and that nothing worse happened. you are loved, sharon, and you know i'll be praying for your full recovery!
ReplyDeleteOh...you poor thing. So sorry to hear about your accident. Rest up and get better soon. I love your posts.
ReplyDeleteHappy thoughts
Wow, Sharon. So sorry to hear that. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Get well soon.
ReplyDeleteOuch!! Glad you are on the mend!
ReplyDeleteYou look great!
Thank Goddess you're all right! Take care.
No more tree pruning for you!! :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad it was not worse, and that you are on the mend. Too bad Mary Ann can't send you over one of her margaritas!! :)
wishing you a speedy recovery!
ReplyDeleteOH Sharon I am sooooo sorry to read you had this accident....it's a hell of way to deal with a crooked nose though - there are other less traumatic ways. ha! (sorry, just trying to make you laugh)
ReplyDeleteI truly hope you are feeling better and will be on the mend very soon. I am assuming that no more photo means you may look a bit "colorful"....?
(again, going for the humor factor)
I think after the accident on the "think tank" that time and now this pruning accident...you may want to hire out the yard work! It would be much safer and we like you in one piece!!!!
Lots of healing hugs,
I'm sorry about your accident. Hope you're back soon! I love your blog, thanks. Blessings to you.
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteHi Sharon---oh goodness me---I hope all is well and with a beautiful new straight nose! Bad way to have to get a nose job but hopefully you will be creating again really soon. I look forward to what you are going to do next.
ReplyDeleteI am sending healing thoughts ur way. Please be careful, u r very valuable and precious to so many, u have know idea. I so look forward to seeing ur new work and reading each post. when u started filming tutorials it made me so happy. I think of u as a dear friend. with the world going just plain wonky right now, i come here and just let the stress fall right away. u have inspired and cheered me more times than i can count. so please be more careful, for u r a precious and rare gift that we greedily want to keep safe and whole for as long as we can. Thank u for being u, La
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness...that must have hurt like you know what...Glad you are on the mend. I love your art. Hugs, Diane
ReplyDeleteSharon, you and that garden...pruning trees, mowing lawns, you are soooo busy. Looks like this has stopped you in your tracks though.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your mishap and I hope you are feeling much better now. What an unexpected positive... you have been able to get your crocked nose fixed!
Take care and look forward to when you are feeling 100% again.
Jacky xox
Oh my, that could have been very nasty. Glad it is all taken care of now and that you are well on the way to recovery. Take care and hope you find some time for art soon.
ReplyDeleteAnyway you look beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThe Hubbs is in landscaping...
I do not do trees, however, he will willing climb them with his special trousers and chainsaw in tow and make quick work of it...
Feel better and glad the snozola is straightened out! Breath deeply and stick to arting. (smile) Gina
Never noticed you had a crooked nose! You don't look too much like you just had surgery either, maybe just a bad headache. You look pretty darn good, girl, for what you've been through!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait til your back chasing and painting butterflies!
I'm sorry about your accident, Sharon, but glad your surgery went well and am sending positive thoughts that you will mend rapidly and without any problems. Take care of yourself! :)
ReplyDeleteMy heavens, I was stunned when I saw the posting and saw you photo first. I do realize that is a serious thing from things that have happened to daughters in long past years.
ReplyDeleteI am sure your face is vivid colors that will take time to go away. You will be patient I am sure.
I had done a painting and the shadows had that look and I hat to
change it as it bothered me a lot.
One time having novacaine at the dentist, he brok blood vessels and I had a serious bruised look, it
was disturbing to me that in public people didn't ever make eye contact with me upon seeing my face.
My best thoughts for recovering are with you.
Sunny and cool up north
Oh, you will be bouncing... it will just take a little time to get to it. What happened to you just shows how fragile we all are and that in one second things can change dramatically. I hope that the worst is over and that you are getting better... hurry up - I have Norah painting withdrawals. xoxoxoxo
ReplyDeleteGood grief lady!!! No more pruning. I'm so sorry that you were hurt. Take care and I hope you're back to normal soon. Speedy recovery...
Goodness, So sorry to hear about your accident....Hope you will be back to normal very soon..
wishing you a very speedy recovery!! :)
ReplyDeleteWow Sharon, I didn't expect you to share this. I know you well enough that you will bounce back and rejoin life as you know it. I can only imagine the colorful palet now going on in your healing. Maybe those colors will inspire you - I will expect it :)
Oh dear, I am so glad that you are on the mend! I can imagine the swelling and black and blue. I expect you are glad to be on the recovery side of the whole mis-adventure. God bless you and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes on a speedy recovery!
I see the beginnings of a black eye in the picture....you are probably some very gorgeous colors right now! ;-) Hope you are starting to feel better. You've been missed!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your accident! You'll be bouncing soon enough.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that branch decided to clobber you! Here's wishing you a speedy recovery!
ReplyDeleteI had a thought that you are now like one of your gorgeous painted girls; bits and dabs of blended colors morphing back into a beautiful face and all with a new nose!
Oh, my gosh...my friend! What has happened to you! I'm so sorry you got bonked on the nose. That must have been so very painful. Hope you're on the mend and back to normal very soon...
ReplyDeletemy gosh!
ReplyDeletegoes to show how fast change can happen
glad he fixed you though!
i had no idea of this problem...
see all the things we learn from each other!
mend fast...
So sorry to hear this news Sharon. I know how you feel...I have had a few sinus surgeries and it's no fun.
ReplyDeleteLast year the think tank, this year...attacking trees. Who knew a yard could be so dangerous. I am sending you my helmet!
Feel better soon!
oh no!!! did it hurt like crazy???.. it sure sounds like it must have..
ReplyDeletewell, here's a sweet little kiss for your nosey and hope you are mending nicely and your nose will be happy into art soon. because we expect more soon!
linda drake
Oh, Sharon! Ouch!!! At least it wasn't your eyes. I trimmed trees this past Saturday; didn't realize it could be so dangerous. Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery on your lovely new nose!
ReplyDeleteSherry in Little Rock
Oh, I could cry! Took me a couple of days to find out about this because katie came down for a visit. She'll be so sad too. Branches and dead limbs aren't called "widow makers" for nothing. You look real good in the picture; sending prayers for fast healing and better days to you. Doggone!!
ReplyDeleteSharon, I saw your post on Sat. and meant to send you well wishes then. I hope that you are recouping and feeling okay. These things can always set us back more than we think. Surgery is no laughing matter.
ReplyDeleteTake care, take time for you and we'll anxiously await your return with more beautiful inspirations for us all.
hugs, SueK
Oh my goodness....we can't let you out in the yard alone....LOL!!! Glad there was some good to come of it though! Looking forward to seeing your new nose:) Glad you are still spunky! hugs, Linda
ReplyDeleteI hope you are recovery nicely from your accident. Watch out for those branches..I know you are going to create all kinds of art from this..Smile
ReplyDeleteOh, Sharon, I feel so bad you got hurt! Sure hope you get well very soon and back to "normal." I'll be thinking about you!! pat
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you are feeling better. Praying for a speedy recovery for you.
ReplyDeleteGirl, you better take care of yourself. I hope you are back up and around creating soon. I love your work sooo much.
ReplyDeleteSHARON! I hope that you are feeling better. We never know what in the world is going to happen to us, do we? Well, the bright side is - that you got your crooked nose fixed, huh?
ReplyDeleteBe well quickly!
Hey again.
ReplyDeleteJust hope you are getting better. Whish you well ;-)
Just checking in on you again Sharon....hope that nose is healing and you are starting to feel better!
ReplyDeleteSharon just got back to reading blogs today and saw the one about your accident. I hope you are well and bouncing again soon.
ReplyDeleteso sorry to hear this! i do hope you heal quickly and are back doing what you love to do...art!
keep us posted!
healing hugs to you...kathy
Oh... i am so sorry!
ReplyDeleteHope you're back soon!
All the best,and take care!
Inger Bente.
ReplyDeleteHope you are feeling better soon!
oh goodness ... i don't check in for a few days and look what happened!
ReplyDeletefeel better fast ....
Oh Sharon, I hope you are doing better today:-) 'Chasing Butterflies' is such a lovely mental picture, I hope you can still chase them in your dreams.
ReplyDeleteWow Sharon! Glad you are okay, but you better be careful about that kind of pruning! I am glad you saw the bright side~a new nose =)
ReplyDeleteTake care~
Bouncing is not expected, but I miss you and hope that you are well. Please update and just say so...
ReplyDeleteHugs and EXPECTING a sign, lol!
This is no way to get a nose job Dear Sharon....
ReplyDeleteI hope this has found you feeling much better. Soon you will enjoy all your art, and we will be here.
Take care of You, Hugs, Mary
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Sharon,
ReplyDeleteI am sending a healing wish for a swift recovery and lots of energy for getting back to your art!...
The reason for the accident, what are you not seeing in your life that is rioght in front of your face?...xxx
So sorry to hear about your accident Sharon, I hope you are on the mend and back to painting your lovely ladies again.
ReplyDeleteMe again, just wanting to say I hope you're feeling better and that nose has settled down. I know I've left a comment before...but just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery.
ReplyDeleteTake care,
Jacky xox
Well wishes to you! Thank you for stopping by and get well soon.
ReplyDeleteOh Sharon, so sorry you had an accident. I hope you recover quickley and back to what you enjoying most "your art creating".
ReplyDeletePlease get well soon, we think you are an awesome lady !!!!
Thinking of you and best wishes.
Hugs Laura.
Thanks for visiting my blog, made my day !!
This is my 4th time back and still "EXPECTING" you...hope that all is well and your näsan" is on the mend!
ReplyDeleteI miss you! Hope you are feeling better.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! You take extra special care of yourself huh? Sending careful hugs from the land down under...
ReplyDeleteFirst the tractor incident and now this!!!!! Oh!!! do be careful. If this had happened to me I would have asked to have my nose made smaller...not as small as Michael Jackson's but just a bit smaller.
ReplyDeleteAll kidding aside...I am late here...had a bit of a turn myself...I hope that by now you are fully mended and the bruises all gone or at least in the yellow stage.
I am going to An Artful Journey in Feb. of 2010...taking a class from DJ Pettit. I was looking at photos of you and Zorana in your matching aprons...you both look lovely. I bet you had a good time together.
Do let us know how you are doing.
Hello! You stopped by my blog and left such a lovely comment, I just had to pop over and see who this delightful person was. Well, looky here, you got all smashed up from chasing butterflies! Most people do that after a few drinks or if they've been on the hard stuff, lol!
ReplyDeleteWell, you are a nice discovery. I think your art work is absolutely delightful and stunning all at the same time.
Get better soon,
Oh, ouch! I'm sorry this happened to you but glad that you're on the mend.
ReplyDeleteGlad you are all up and better and cleaning your studio.
Love Renee xoxo