You could better appreciate the transformation of this room had I taken "before" photos.
This is and "empty nest" (thank the lord) bedroom that is now a wonderful Sewing Studio.
It can still double as a guest room. One could only hope that the warriors on the wall will protect them in their dreams rather than give them nightmares.
I made the kites in 1980s to decorate a back yard where we were having a themed neighborhood progressive dinner. They are not my design as I did in fact copy them from a book. Sorry, I could not find the book this morning to credit it.
My friend, the organization guru knew about the kites and the last thing we did was arrange the kite gallery. I really really do like the eclectic look and juxtaposition of the kites with the quilts. I will be changing the window treatment next. A Sewing project.
Expect it,