You may remember I told you about Faerieluna and the beautiful Mothies that she makes. They are wonderful little fairies you can hold in your hand or hang on a nearby knob to look over you and bring you what fairies bring.
Now, you may not know that Faerieluna also goes by Rella....as in Cinda Rella...the legendary "glass slippered" Rella. You know, in the land of make believe and fairy god mothers and all of that.
Well, me being the Wingkeeper and she being Rella, it seems that our paths crossed out there somewhere in the land of... or rather in the net of inner.
Now, let me tell you that Rella told me that she felt we were "kindred spirits" and that she should like me to have one of her Mothies made with some of The Wingkeeper's special feathers.

Who am I to say no? Being The Wingkeeper doesn't mean that I keep them all to my self. Some of you may know that. Anyway, of course, I made up a spiffy little package and sent them out to Rella who would use them to give life and flight to one of her beautiful creations.
Rella told me that my Mothie was an Old Soul Mothie, in that she was intuitive, nesting, a gather of precious things etc.
Now, I can tell you that Old Soul is truly a sagacious fairy with magic fairy like powers and certainly a mind of her own.
Rella received the special feathers and almost immediately had Old Soul packaged and ready for her trip back to Texas.

When the expected date of arrival came and went and Old Soul was no where to be found, Rella was near panic. Then, she thought to check the tracking and sure enough got confirmation that my Old Soul had been "delivered" right last Thursday at 9 AM. But we didn't know this until Saturday. So, wait and wonder we did. Where or where is she. Me being the Wingkeeper surely felt here presence but hadn't laid eyes on her. I kept telling Rella that nothing ever happens before it is time and we were convinced that when it was time Old Soul would show.
It even occurred to Rella that she might be waiting for my special day.

Oh yes, did I tell you that my po Box is 40 and Rella actually put 400 on the package. This caused a little confusion at the PO. There is a box 400, but it is vacant and Old Soul wasn't there. I guess since the fellas at the PO had slept 4 nights since Old Soul had been "delivered", they were unable to help with the dilemma. This was all going on during the day of my birth on the 63rd year.
At precisely 4:29 pm, one minute before the PO closes for the day, I had and epiphany moment. I remembered that there was another Sharon Tomlinson right here in Marlin and called the PO to see if she still had a Box because it has been quite a long while since our business had been mixed up. The fella said, "yes, but he had checked her box that morning". Looks like he could have told me that. Well anyway, I said, "I'm going to call her and ask", and he said, "that would be a good idea". Ummmm
So, I tried a couple of time but she was out. Then last night, I tried again and yes indeed, she had the package. I ask if I could come pick it up and I did and she hadn't even opened it and said she was going to take it back to the PO because she knew that she hadn't ordered anything and knew the box # was not hers. She is a very nice person.
So, when the time was right, Old Soul arrived. She was accompanied with a few fairy treasures and she is beautiful as I knew she would be. She will hang on a knob right above my work area for now. Right there just looking over me.
The End
There is only one Old Soul and she is mine, but if you would like a bit of this magic, Rella has and Etsy and you can see more there.
What a wonderful story and what an adventurous journey Old Soul had! But can I tell you something... old souls can be jesters you know... and I feel that your very Old Soul wanted to see how keen you were to be re-acquainted with her! You proved very worthy of her very special company ;-) I am in awe of Rella's work. Really magical!
ReplyDeleteI opened the "door" to allnorah's art and I see Old Soul!!! Right there...happiness beaming all over me as I just read a few seconds earlier that she had finally made her way home to you. Such an adventure!! Here at Faerieluna we are celebrating the arrivial of a special fae to a very special Kindred Spirit.
ReplyDeleteYippeeeee ~ Rella
what a wonderful story -
ReplyDeletesavoring every word -
almost Nancy Drewish -
that old soul is delightful
xox - eb.
What a beautiful story!. Fairies sure know exactly when to arrive. She is a beautiful fairie!
ReplyDeletewhat a wonderful story...i love your sweet mothie...Rella has a way with those sweet little beings...
ReplyDeleteMaybe I have missed something along the way, but this little stunning creature is captivating! Where did this begin?
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Sharon! That was a wonderful story and I would expect it to be in book form (or doodle form) shortly! Old Soul is a true rocker, just like you!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Sharon, what a fabulous story, I bet the other Sharon never get's your bills.
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing story and a great adventure. Sometimes real life is even better than books... and I read a LOT of books, LOL!