Sunday, August 04, 2013

Do You Remember the Sisters

 Do You remember the sisters and their reunions?
Well, again I am inspired with one of my "sister" paintings.

Meeting in the Moon Garden is a favorite and it hangs just above my big TV in the chair zone where I catch myself staring at it. A lot.
The painting is my result of a "Black and White" challenge by Somerset Studio. 

I love the sisters and their stories and once again I am inspired to paint a new version of an old painting.

It is well underway and I want to share with you a bit of the 

Starting with my preliminary sketch.

The original painting was a 12 x 12 and I was inspried to use the square format since I happen to have a 24 x 24 on hand. 
My sketch is on the cellophane wrapping of the canvas. 

This is a fun way to start.
And is probably my way of easing into the painting.

So that is enough for today.
I'll bring more for you tomorrow. 

If you haven't been inspired to paint another story from one of your paintings, I recommend it.


  1. I always enjoyed your sisters art, very much. Not only is your art wonderful, but the theme of sisters is a sweet things. I look forward to seeing what you do with this.

  2. I love 'The Sisters'. This is the painting that first brought me to your site and the workshops. I love the process in the new one too.


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