I'm great here but really have nothing artful to show because it is still all in my head. You know how that is. It is getting all scrambled up and I'm having trouble knowing what to do first.
Well actually, I do know what to do first. That would be to clear a little spot here large enough to actually work on something. I thought I would just show you. You know, if you click on the picture, it should get bigger and you can get a really good look and see. Isn't that fun?
I'm home today and so happy to have this little holiday. I will be making some things and will share with you. Oh you knew that. I can't help it.
Tomorrow is my dear daughter-in-law's birthday and we will be going to her mom's for a celebration.
Tomorrow is also one of my dear friend's birthday. I hope to surprise her with something too.
Hear ye...Hear ye......Announcement!!!!!
Book of Me
Altered Book Workshop
(this little announcement is for anyone in my area that hasn't heard or received and invitation....you know who you are but maybe I don't....because you have been lurking here and I don't even know it .....but LOVE it)
Next Saturday, April 14th
9:00am to 4:00pm
126 Bridge Street
Pre-registration required
for the rest of the scoop
e-mail me at
or call me
I'm off now to play ART.
More later,
MAN!!!! I wish I could come!
ReplyDeleteI will be in the US on the 30th!
I heart your workspace and all the "stuff" on it! I almost sent out an APB for you and the missing muse!
Have fun playing with art!
ReplyDeleteI don't suppose it would be in the NorthWest. Whaaaaa!
Swing on over for a bit of Hawaiian fun today and a cup of joe if you get the time :)
You know I would if I could........