Monday, December 06, 2010

Magic Brushes

Hey Look!  I've got some new Magic Brushes.  I've had them for a while but as you can see.....they are still not initiated.

I learned about "Magic Brushes"  in Italy.  I'm sorry but you just had to be there to understand their magic.

However, in case you don't know the "Magician" has a new online class that starts in January.  Sign-up started today.

Misty Mawn, is "artist-extraordinaire".  Having had the pleasure of up close and personal with Misty for a week in early October, I can tell you she is an artist inside and out.  Her classes are so full, I know this one will not disappoint.  For a glimpse of Misty the Artist, don't miss this.

I will be playing ART with my Magic Brushes soon.  More on that another day.

♥ Sharon


  1. Thank you for letting me know about Misty Mawns new class . I had the opportunity to take a class with her once and I learned alot. I can't wait to take another class with her.
    Thanks sharon..

  2. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED your class on painting faces and the one on painting faces in technicolor. I definitely want to buy one of your prints. I purchase things on eBay and Amazon with no PayPal problem....but somehow when I try to purchase from the Etsy site it doesn't recognize me. I guess that's understandable because sometimes I don't recognize (I had the same problem buying from Zorana's Etsy site). So.....can I tell you which one I want and have Paypal send the money directly to you? It worked that way with Zorana's purchase.

    Thanks, Sharon P.

  3. I know I am slow... but...what makes these brushes magic? I am just curious. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  4. Hi Sharon, so glad to see there are magic brushes, the economy really needs something of this sort for all the world to use and feel greatly artistic.

    I am home again, so glad, even being a little ragged and feeling like the Velveteen Rabbit, a little worn and not just the edges but much deeper wear.

    So great to come and see your work, feel the joy of art, see the colors and what one can do, and BTW do without a magic brush. I think of the ad I saw on TV while in the Hosp. it was paint that glows in the dark for cildren, their work would glow. I hope this was not a hellucination becaue of the pain meds and a real ad from crayola. What if????

    Just nice to feel the cheer here.


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