This one is mine! I'm calling it my "She" Bag. I made it especially for me to carry my art-to-go stuff. It has five pockets.
It is a "SHE" bag because I like to use "she" statements with my ladies.
She danced...she loved...she laughed.
She almost expected fairies to come tiptoeing.
She wouldn't do a thing but sit in her room and read and write poetry.
Inspired by a project in Traci Bautista's book Collage Unleashed. I really like how she does her hand lettered words and so I tried that. And I just can't get enough of the freestyle stitching.
She was about the game.
I did six fabric collages with my ladies who where printed on paper. I showed them in previous post. I used Clear Tar Gel for fusing. There wasn't room on the outside for all of them so I made pockets inside too. I'll be doing this again. Won't it fun to carry!

She wouldn't do a thing but sit in her room and read and write poetry.

More later,
Sharon you're just knocking me out with these bags!!! I am in a serious art slump and I need something to light my artistic fire - I HAVE to do a bag...and you are helping...I need to keep coming here and looking and feel what it stirs in me. I almost feel like a fraud calling myself an artist these days. sorry for the whiny comment...really and truly I'm needing your inspiration!
Your SHE bag is so sweet! How much fun to carry THEM around with you as you create your ART!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week
Holy SHEet, lady! She is amazing and She will look so fabulous hanging on your arm. She is a true beauty!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe inside is just as beautiful as the outside!
ReplyDeleteShe loved your bag so much that she gasped when she saw it!!! :-) Absolutely beautiful Sharon!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous bag and practical too.
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! I'm in love... What a SHEbag! I love that you made the inside as interesting as the outside! Just as any SHE is. How WONDERFUL!!!!