Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mr Murphy's visit

I'm so happy to report that I have finished the big project. It is posted and on the way to a its destination. I will tell you where to look for it in a future post.

Now, who pray tell sent Mr Murphy for a visit when I was at the end of the project? You know, that Mr Murphy with all the laws about stuff going wrong and all that $#!+.

Well if you didn't, who did? Because let me tell you, he was there and I did not invite him.

And I know it is just not in Norah'S nature to sabotage. She only gives conflict with offering so many different ideas all at once. And we all know she can't spell.

But about Mr Murphy, he showed up with a most evil evil tool when I was ready to punch and put together the project. You know the tool (crop-a-dile) that will punch and set two different size holes. EVIL!

After practicing on an old book cover and deciding the small hole would be best, I marked and punched the first hole. Then when I punched the second hole (on the front cover), guided my Mr Murphy, no doubt, I punched a big hole instead of a little hole. Staying cool calm and collected, I remember my Daddy telling me I could do anything I thought I could do.
My thought, "I can make this work".
First thing I did was flag with a ribbon the wrong punch side. I will not make that mistake twice. BUT, Just as sure as I punched it wrong once....oh yes again! EVIL EVIL TOOL! I marked the holes on the back cover. Mr Murphy handed me the EVIL tool and I punched the right size hole. Holly Molly $#!+, I punch the hole on the wrong edge. This time I didn't stay very calm. I had to get-a-grip! Yes, I had to get my grip off of this EVIL tool.
I found the plugs that had been punched out. I filled the hole with glue and stuffed the plug back in. With a little hole. On the front cover, I changed the location of the hole and punched another.
That's not all. After punching and setting 10 small eyelets, I decided the small hole would not work. Who ever thought that in the first place? Of course, Mr Murphy. I sent him home and went to bed. The next day, I dug out the eyelets, punched big holes, set big eyelets. Mr Murphy showed up for the setting of the very last eyelet. Yep, it was set upside down. What I mean is on one hole the eyelet was set from the front of the page and on the other hole it was set from the back side of the page. I very quickly got OK with it and sent him packing....with his EVIL tool.
And that is enough for now,


  1. Looks intriguing - cvan't wait to see the whole thing....published?

  2. Sorry about the visit with Mr. Murphy. I didn't send him!! I know you can meet the challenge and make the best of it.

    I like the peeks tho and will be anxious to see the rest!! :)

  3. Holy $#!+ Sharon! You crack me up. I have never seen it spelled that way.
    Did Norah call Mr. Murphy? My guess is she did it.
    Can't wait to see this work of art.
    xo suze

  4. LOL! You are so funny. . . oops. . sorry. I know it is bad manners to laugh when Mr. Murphy has visited. Sounds like a typical day at my studio and I don't think there is any such thing as a "happy little accident!" Anyway, your project looks like it's probably yummy. I can't wait to see it.

  5. I can't stand the wait to see that painting...argh. I'm so sorry about Murphy & all. Guess he took a day off from my house.

  6. Sharon,

    You are so funny, I chuckle at the thought of you and Mr. Murphy. I am just glad he was at your house and not mine.

    Nw ordinarily do you like the crop a dile. I usually am using a hole punch to get the right size, and then a tool and hammer to set the eyelet. Is your tool better?


  7. Did you throw some paint on Mr. Murphy? Stick him with some packing tape? Hide him under a pile of napkins?

    Hope he is well punished wherever he is.


  8. I hope Mr Murphy is gone and I can't wait too see your project!!

  9. I can SO relate to using the wrong side on my CD! I finally painted the large punch with red nail polish,,,now I only have to remember did I paint the large hole, or the small hole...Let us know when you can about the publishing...!

  10. I've met Mr. Murphy...and I don't much like him either. He always comes at the most inconvenient of times and is quite rude. I wish he'd just stay at his place. Now, that crop-a-dile thing....I went and bought one just because you had one...haven't used it yet. Am I setting myself up for another Mr. Murphy visit? Pat

  11. I know that feeling he visits here often. Your project looks wonderful all the same.

  12. Oh I hate it when 'he' shows up..hope he's gone for awhile now~

  13. Well thanks, but Mr. Murphy decided to come by and sabaotge the eyelets on my grandson's pirate costume - put them in backwards, made the holes too big,fabric tore,but finally I kicked him out the door and got it finished. I hope he didn't come back to visit you.


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