Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Remember this

Do you remember Watching Shadows?
And do you remember the story behind in?
Well this is my sketch for that piece and I am using is again for my next painting. I'll give you a little peek......soon.
Oh yes, someone ask if I really do sketch while on the phone. Yes I do. I learned it from my Mom and remember being amazed at her telephone doodles. But I also do fast sketches like this one when I have an inspiration and don't want to forget. It is like a first draft. Then I might refine it in a second draft. The pouty mouth sketch was a second draft. You notice it a little more refined. The the painting is the final draft. That's how I think of it.
Enough for now, except here is a plug.....I have a print of Watching Shadows listed in my shop.


  1. Your sketches are great. It is inspiring to see what you start with and where it ends up. I spotted the little bird down near the bottom of the page the SECOND time I looked.


  2. Sharon,

    I was just wondering from the experienced artist to me, the unexperienced artist...how does the Etsy shop work? Do you ship it? Like E-bay? And is is a Paypal type thing?

    OH! And love what I see of your sketchbook challenge!
    I did a bit of my own digging up of old sketches & working on them! :)

    You definitely inspire me to try harder as an artist!
    Love your work!

    Many happy returns & felicitations!

  3. I don't remember that, but I WILL search the archives for the original post to bring myself current! WHY don't you have a class scheduled in Sweden!?

  4. Oh, I do remember the shadows, you were outside and there were birds, and one bird was actually diving into your hair trying to get hair for its nest and you sketched the shodow of that....

  5. I love to see little draft sketches and notebooks and such. Always fun to see.


  6. Even your quick sketches are good! Mine usually look like a first grader did them!!

  7. I am also a phone doodler, but I (gasp) throw them away. I know- I know- don't give me the lecture, I won't throw anymore away. Now..who can I call?

  8. Sharon, Who could forget Watching Shadows? Not me. And, now....I have to remember to save all those little bits of "drawing?' I have done while on the phone. You are so much FUN! Pat

  9. sharon, wow your sketches and doodlings are fab
    as always your blog inspires me
    thank you
    Marelle (Australia)


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