Maybe you noticed in an earlier picture that it kinda looked like the Camp supplies towered all the way to the ceiling.
They do. And I hope it's OK that I share another side of the studio where from floor to ceiling, anything you might have in your dream studio can be found.
Sally sufferes from the same dilemma that I do. We must have every color available in what ever product that we are going to try. You want some Folk Art paints, she's got all 79 colors. You want Golden liquid, she's got every little bottle which totals one big drawer about 6 bottles across and 15 bottles deep. Sally, you have duplicates. Oh yes and if you want Golden Heavy body, she's got the store display. Really, I'm not kidding.

Here is a close up of that.
I knew you wanted to see it.
Sally will have to tell you about it.
My new friend Deryn, knew that she need not bring any supplies for the ART Marathon weekend. I did not. Well, Sally told me but I didn't believe her. Of course I travel with my own brushes and my own brush cleaning jar and my own gel medium (good thing because Sally didn't have this kind, haha) and my drink of choice. I knew she would not have that. Just like I knew she would not have my prunes.
That's all my stuff at left.
Sally, the Camp Director is the most generous soul I know. Anytime we needed something, anything, she directed us to it. However, she didn't have to direct us (yes Norah's presence was obvious) to the paper napkins. We spied these napkin drawers early on and dug around a little.
The camp Director requested that I share a little of my technique for painting faces. So I got to play teacher. And I had to go first as I think that was part of my initiation into Camp T.
Actually I was eager to share this as I am going to teach a very similar project in September at the Paper Cowgirl Retreat. The difference being the size of the project due to the amount of time allotted.
Looking over Sally's shoulder to see her in progress.

That Sally, she is such a clown.

Looking over Deryn's shoulder.

This is one beautiful lady.
Oh, and look at her hands.
You know Norah's already dancing in my head about
those hands.... showing up my art.

Here is my class piece.
I found that beautiful napkin in Sally's stash.
And all those little crumbs that I collaged on the right corner....
Sally has a ....no she has three trash drawers for collage.
If you don't believe it is trash, just click on the picture and discover the slither of bandaid wrapper right at the bottom right.
Enough for now on this marathon post.