I've been tagged to tell 6 weird things about myself. This is hard because in my world, it's not me that is weird....it's everybody else. I'm pretty sure about this because
Sally tagged me and the first 4 things on her list could have been about me.
1. I woke up this morning with my socks on. Is that weird? Nothing else was cold when I went to bed...if you get my drift...
2. How about this. I have this thing about the laundry being folded just so. Like the towels must be folded with the hem inside so the tag is on the inside. Fold in half and half again then tri-fold. And beware if they are not stacked perfectly with all those pretty folds looking at you when you open the cabinet. I'm that way about socks and underwear too. Which reminds me...
3. If I don't have a place for something new. I don't want it. Everything has to have a place in my house; however, it doesn't have to be in it's place at all times. Oh my gosh if you could see my studio which is the place for everything that doesn't have a place. And...
4. Don't give me anything that plugs in and call it a present. If you think I need it, give it to me but DO NOT wrap it up and pretend it is a Christmas or birthday present. I don't like things that plug in anyway sitting on my cabinets.
5. And speaking of Christmas. I probably have the weirdest Christmas tree of all of you. It's not a tree. My DH made this for me to my specifications many years ago. It is just 3 skinny triangles of steel rod welded. I put the garland and twinkle lights on and off every year. Each year I put something different on it. And it is really beautiful when the packages begin to fill up on the inside and spill out. This year Ashley and Timothy were totally in charge. Isn't it beautiful?
6. So I'm to number six. I ask Ashley if she could tell me something weird about her Nana. She said, "well, ummm, I think when you are painting and doing your Art and you scream really really loud that, 'I LOVE PAINTS AND PAINTING'...Nana, that's just a little weird." Oh, and that reminds, I have this place down behind my house. Remember I live in the country. When I am a bit or a lot upset about something and no one is at home, I walk down there and SCREAM. I think the emotion evaporates into the trees and there are special, very patient, anger fairies down there waiting for it. I don't know what they do with the emotion that I present but I know they are patient because this doesn't happen very often.
6a. So I ask my dear husband if he would tell me something weird about me. He said, "I'm not playing that game." He is pretty dang smart!
Oh dear, I have convinced myself...I AM WEIRD! I know where the Weird Fairies live and I'm going to tell you about that another day. They live in little houses. And I have one.
Now, I think I get to tag
Michelle because I think she and I have some of the same weirdness.
Jeannie, because she is the one who inspired me to blog and she didn't even know it.
Soul Glo, because I sent her some "funk and flinch" one time and she did amazing things with it.
Terri, because I have a little ATC that she made.
Lilli, because she takes us on the neatest photo journeys on her blog.
One Crabapple, because she seems to be the neatest person and I love her comments.....Oh that reminds me...
6b. I just love getting comments. First, I look at my e-mail notification to see if I have any. I read them and save them. Then I immediately go to my blog and open up the comments and read them again. Yep, they are really there. I do this with the discovery of each new comment. Then, later in the day or the next day, I go to my blog and read the post as if I have never read it (Oh my gosh. I wrote this.) and then I open the comments and read them all. Again. I'm not going to admit how many time I might do this but it might be a good thing that I don't get 49 comments like some people....I don't think it is weird that, "I LOVE COMMENTS. "
More later,